Monday, August 16, 2010

my first contact with a ghost by bill

"Subject: My Ghost Story(s)
When I first experienced a ghost, I was living at my parents. I had a friend who's sister ended up in the hospital. Not long after she went in, I got word that she had died. I went to bed, not sure how long after her death, it was around 11pm. I was lying on my back with my eyes closed, door was shut and there was NO ONE in my room. I then felt something like scratching on the top of my foot. I just froze and wondered, WTF is that? I then told whatever it was to go away. I still had my eyes closed and rolled over, not wanting to see what it was. A few years later, I thought, WTF was that scratching my foot? Then it dawned on me that my friends sister had long nails! I put 1 & 1 together and thought that this may have been her trying to contact me and I chased her away. I still ask for her to come back but no luck."

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